Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Kim's baby bump at 32 weeks


  1. This is the blog we've created to share how Kim is doing and how the pregnancy is progressing. We're currently at 34 weeks and Kim is feeling great. Please look around the blog, post a comment or suggestion for us and please feed my fish.

  2. You look beautiful, Kim! Can't wait to hear news on baby Howe! Brian, I fed the fish a LOT, so they should be good for a while!

  3. Yea for the blog. I love it. I already bookmarked it and am looking forward to checking it often to see your posts. Love the pictures Kim!
    Sounds like you found a great restaurant for your birthday.
    Happy Ground Hog Day! xoxo

  4. Hello Brian, Kim, and Baby Howe!!

    We are glad to see that you are all doing well and that mom and baby are receiving a proper Lebanese diet ;) Can't wait to talk soon!!

    Much love to all,

    Jamie & Piero

  5. The food you ate for your birthday sounded really well. I've been eating some hummus the last week from Costco and it's been delicious!

  6. Hi Kim (and Brian, I guess). Blog looks pretty good. I fed your fish a ton, and I've done the math and they should have quadrupled in sized from the amount I fed them, but they didn't so if you could have Brian look into that, that'd be great. Thannnks. Glad to hear that everything is going well.

    Looks like those two random anonymous guys that wrote before me were taught grammer and how to use the word "well" from Brian. No idea who that could have been, maybe it was Ben. I sent you an email showing you how I've already used the present I got from you two.
    Thanks from your favorite brother in law,
    - Mr. Blake Howe

  7. Kimberly looks great and the baby's room is ready. We (Grandpa Johnson and Great Grandpa Saoud) enjoyed our visit to Woodstock. The Superbowl [The PACK is BACK] was excellent.

    Grandpa Johnson

  8. Grandma and Grandpa Johnson visted Kayla on March 11th. She is a doll. We enjoyed spending the week with Brian and the girls.

    Love Grandma Leslie and Grandpa Bruce
